Welcome to Slavic Art Song Project's blog! Here you will find posts about topics within diction, biographical information, translations and IPA, and updates about SASP.
What better way to begin than by discussing the language family this project is based around? Slavic languages are a member of the Indo-European family stemming from the Balto-Slavic group. Languages within this group stem from the Proto-Balto-Slavic language, which is believed to have morphed into Proto-Slavic around the Early Middle Ages, forming the "parental" language for other Slavic languages.
Slavic languages can be divided into three groups: South, East, and West. Slavic languages are spoken natively amongst countries in Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, as well as parts of Asia.
Slavic languages include:
Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Montenegrin [BCSM], and Slovene (South Slavic)
Czech, Slovak, and Polish (West Slavic)
Russian, Belarusian, and Ukrainian (East Slavic)
"Are all Slavic languages written in the Cyrillic alphabet?"
No! Only East and (some) South Slavic languages are written using Cyrillic. The others use Latin script.
"Are you really going to focus on ALL of these languages?!"
No! Well...not yet. My background is in Russian and Polish language, with a small stint in Czech. So, I will focus on what I know and will make connections when necessary! However, I would like to see SASP expand to be totally comprehensive of all Slavic languages. If you or someone you know would be interested in joining the SASP team, shoot me an email at slavicartsongs@gmail.com and lets talk!
Up next: Reading the Cyrillic alphabet.